steady: adj.1.稳固的,平稳的,稳定的,不变的(脚步、努力等)。2.坚定的,扎实的,牢靠的(船等)。3.有规则的,没有激变的(水流、气候等)。4.镇定的,沉着的,从容的;有节制的;稳健的。5.(船)不畏风浪依旧前进的。短语和例子A young nurse dressed his wounds with steady hands. 一个年轻护士稳稳当当地扎裹他的伤处。 He is
Based on the characteristics of the daily regulation wave of hydropower stations , the water surface lines in the rising and falling stages are calculated by using an one - dimensional steady flow model and an unsteady flow sediment model 摘要根据水电站日调节波的特性,运用一维恒定流和非恒定流泥沙数学模型,分别计算了河道涨落水过程的水面线。